Easy St. Patrick’s Day Recipes

22 easy recipes for st patricks day cover page

Easy St. Patrick’s Day recipes are for everyone because everyone is Irish on St. Patrick’s Day! These beautiful, delicious, traditional Irish recipes will make you feel as giddy as if you have found the gold at the end of a rainbow! Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

corned beef and cabbage recipe
  1. Irish Cheddar Cheese Stuffed Mushrooms made by IrishAmericanMom.com
  2. Slow Cooker Corned Beef and Cabbage by Dinner at the Zoo
  3. Hamburger Shepherds Pie by Scrappy Geek
  4. Bangers and Mash with Guinness Onion Gravy by Sam the Cooking Guy
  5. Raison Scones by Pass the Butter
  6. Slow Cooker Irish Beef Stew by Savory Nothings
  7. Irish Soda Bread by Country Side Cravings
irish soda bread

Irish Drinks are Recipes that You Will Not Want to Skip

If you are having a dinner party on St. Patrick’s Day, be sure to serve Irish coffee with Irish cream or Irish whiskey and a pint or two! Traditionally, these drinks contain alcohol, but can easily be made non-alcoholic as well. Scroll down for more easy St. Patrick’s Day recipes!

easy st. patrick's day recipes irish coffee
  1. Irish Coffee (with Irish Whiskey) by Pass the Butter
  2. Irish Potato Candy by Kitchen Fun with My Three Sons
  3. Coddle – Irish Potato and Sausage Stew by Tara’s Multicultural Table
  4. Traditional Irish Potato Soup by Irish American Mom
  5. Irish Farls – Irish Potato Bread by Bigger Bolder Baking
  6. Irish Boxty Pancakes by Bake It With Love
  7. Irish Tea Cake by The Toasty Kitchen
  8. Irish Bread Pudding with Bailey’s Sauce by Sugar Spice and Glitter
  9. Irish Brown Bread Recipe by Happy Money Saver
  10. Irish Vegetable Barley Soup by Plants Rule
  11. Irish Colcannon Casserole by Julias Simply Southern
traditional irish breakfast

Some Fun and Easy Non-Traditional St. Patrick’s Day-Inspired Recipes

  1. Lucky Greens Smoothie – Frozen Banana, vanilla-flavored almond milk, spinach, and avocado – mix and serve!
  2. Rainbow Veggie Plate with Pot of Gold Hummus
  3. Chocolate Mint Ice Cream Shake with Green Shrinkles
  4. Shamrock Cupcakes
shamrock cupcakes

If you like these dinner recipe ideas, I have many more other blog posts that can help motivate you!

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