5 Super Simple Steps to Hang Pants on Hangers

Hanging Pants Hack

What You Will Need to Hang Pants on Hangers:

  • Small/medium-sized zip ties
  • Medium-sized safety pins
  • Scissors

Securing pants to hangers is not time-consuming, just tedious. Honestly, it takes one good minute and when you are busy, one good minute could seem like an hour. Still, taking the time to hang pants on hangers is worth it. Clothes sell extremely well at consignment events.

At every consignment event, I sell a minimum of two hundred outfits which include pajamas, coats, and outfits and just about everything sells. It is amazing how much you do not realize what you have to sell until you start cleaning out your closet or digging through storage! If pants you have to sell do not have belt loops, it is ok! I will teach you how to hang pants on hangers.

So keep in mind that while it may take some time, you will have more space in your house, be able to sell it quickly, and use the extra money for savings, future gifts for your kids, or whatever your heart desires.  Ok, so here is how to hang pants on hangers.

1. Find the Seam to Hang Pants on Hangers

Make sure you find the seam of the pants (where the stitching is located by the waist).  If there is an elastic in the waistband, the seam is usually located right underneath it. This is key to hang pants on hangers.

2. Insert one safety pin on each side of the pants through the seam.

DO NOT place the safety pin on any random part of the pants other than the seam or the stitching! The safety pin will create a hole and it can stretch causing a large hole in the fabric, and be damaged while on the hanger. If you are participating in a consignment event and must hang pants on hangers, the item will most likely be pulled at the for quality, or it may not sell if the pants are not secured correctly.

3. Secure a Zip Tie to the Hanger and Safety pin

Once you have a safety pin attached to each side of the seam of the waistband, take a zip tie and attach it to the safety pin and each side of the hanger as shown below.

4. Tighten Zip Ties to Hang Pants on Hangers.

Easy, pull those zip ties until the safety pins are tight against the hanger. The safety pins should not move. Congrats! Now you know how to hang pants on hangers!

5. Cut Off Excess Zip Ties with Scissors

And voila, you are done! Tag the item for the consignment event and it is ready!

Wondering if you should bag clothes for the consignment event? Check out this blog post.

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