How to Remove Stickers Naturally and Easily with Items Already On-Hand

remove stickers from plastic

Removing stickers can be so time-consuming and messy. I love to remove stickers naturally and easily with items already on hand.  Removing stickers should be easy, without the sticky residue and without damaging the surface it is sticking to.  Kids love them and love to put them everywhere, especially when you are not looking.  Stickers can be found on glass, metal, paper, and the car.

You can use many products to remove stickers from plastic, glass, metal, and paper.  Some adhesive-removing products contain chemicals, but the best options are natural and cheap.

Remove stickers Without Damaging It

To remove stickers without damaging it, I recommend using a hair dryer and a plastic razor.

  • Put the hair dryer on low for a few seconds, not too close to the sticker, and check it after each time.
  • Do not put the hair dryer too close to the sticker. Otherwise, the sticker will turn black and ruin the sticker.
  • After blowing it with a hair dryer, gently scrape it with a plastic razor.

Removing Sticky Residue Without Chemicals

remove stickers from plastic
  1. Steamer – The most natural option to remove stickers is steam.  Steaming for a few seconds will reactivate and melt the glue to let you peel off the sticker completely without much sticky residue.  Steam works on many different services. You only need a rapid two-second exposure of steam to the sticker. Too much heat may cause damage to the surface. Steam is an excellent option for removing stickers from glass and metal. Because the steamer combines moisture and heat, it does not take long for the sticker to become pliable.

I love this steamer! PurSteam Garment Steamer, Heavy Duty Powerful Fabric Steamer with Fabric Brush and Garment Hanger

2. Hair dryer – just blast the hairdryer on high for 30 seconds to a minute and try to remove stickers. The warmth makes the glue slippery. Just be careful to not overheat! A hairdryer can be super helpful and gentle on surfaces. Because the hairdryer is dry heat, it can take longer for the sticker to become pliable.

Cheap Alternatives

3. Rubbing alcohol or vodka that costs maybe $0.70 at a store works great for surfaces like toys and refrigerators. Always try the cheaper option first if you are like me and love saving money! Rubbing alcohol is best if you are wondering how to remove stickers from plastic, remove stickers from glass or remove stickers from metal.

4. Oil – whatever type you have on hand – avocado, canola, vegetable, even olive oil.  You need to be careful about where you are using oil.  DO NOT use olive oil on surfaces that will quickly absorb books or fabric.  Oil is a good option for hard plastic surfaces or polished wood.  If you need to troubleshoot removing stained clothes, check out my other blog post here. This option is great only if you do not need to reuse the sticker. Oil will ruin the sticker completely.

5. Plastic razor – these can easily be found at any hardware or home improvement store. They can help remove stickers but be careful not to scratch the surface.

Remove Stickers with Chemicals

 6. Goo Gone has always worked very well on hard surfaces and in some shiny hard cover books.  However, Goo Gone does have a smell and will sometimes leave an oily residue.

7. Any other chemical sticker or adhesive remover  – these products will cost you more money, may do the job but leave a smell. They may also be harmful to anyone that inhales the chemicals or get them on their skin causing rashes or irritation. Always read the warning label!

8. Acetone or nail polish remover is great at removing the sticky residue.

These seven items are most likely already in your house.

Many consignment stores and events require that the stickers on large plastic toys be in good condition in order to be sold.  Sometimes replacing the stickers are worth it, sometimes not.

Best Ways to Remove Sticky Residue From Plastic and Glass

  1. Rubbing Alcohol or Vodka
  2. Steamer
  3. Oil – canola, olive oil etc.
  4. Goo Goo Gone or any adhesive remover from the hardware store
  5. Nail polish remover/acetone

How to Remove Stickers from Car Without Damaging Paint

A gentle soap such as Dawn with water or Goo Gone Automotive and a soft microfiber cloth with remove stickers from a car without damaging paint.

How to Remove Stickers from Metal

Heat and metal work really well together when removing stickers. Steam or a hair dryer are best at easily removing stickers without that yucky, sticky residue.

How to Find Replacement Stickers

Sometimes you need to replace a sticker, especially if you want to resell it. If you are trying to resell a large toy such as a toy kitchen and the microwave sticker is missing, you can do a search online for replacement stickers. Amazon, Etsy, Fisher-price, Step 2 and Ebay websites have replacement stickers like these for sale.

Are you ready to get rid of the big toys? Read my post about decluttering!

Some other ways to remove stickers can be with mayonaisse and peanut butter.  What is your preference when you need to remove a sticker?  Let me know in the comments below!

Ready for your first consignment event? Read about my first experience here.

If you need help preparing for a consignment event, I have a blog post on that too! As well as these:

5 Simple Weeknight Dinners with 5 Ingredients or Less

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What Supplies Do I Need for a Consignment Event?

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How to Naturally Remove Stickers with Items You Already Have On-Hand

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