Taking pictures of shoes to sell on Poshmark can be kind of tricky. However, what I have found to be the best way to take pictures is, to be honest about the overall quality. You want the buyer to see that it will save them money to buy second-hand from me, instead of directly from the shoe manufacturer or big-box department store. The more angles and clear photos that are shown in the listing, the better chance you have of selling them. Also, descriptions really help reassure buyers that they are getting what they are seeing. Clear, accurate pictures and a detailed description will make you endless sales!
Before Taking Pictures of Photos, Do These 5 Important Steps…
- Make sure you have the proper cleaning products on hand such as a Magic Eraser, a scrub brush, some toothpicks or tweezers (I will explain later), and unscented dish soap.
- Check out the label to see how they can be washed. Some shoes cannot be washed in a washing machine that is made from leather, vinyl, suede, or rubber.
- Wash any laces separately in a sink with soap and scrub, ring out, and lay flat to dry. Or have a small laundry bag on hand to clean them with the shoes in the washing machine.
- Gently pull back the tongue of the shoes to really get every crevice cleaned in the washing machine.
- If the soles are removable, remove them before washing and hand wash.
Steps for Cleaning Shoes in the Washing Machine
- Put the shoes or sneakers in the washing machine on a cold/delicate cycle.
- Add something soft to the load like a pillow or blanket so the shoes are not banging against the tub while the load is going.
- Once the cycle is done, let the shoes air dry. I like to put them on top of the dryer and wait a day. If it is nice outside, you can also leave them outside to dry. If the shoes are still dirty, continue to the next section below, “How to Wash Shoes by Hand.”
How to Wash Shoes by Hand in 5 Easy Steps
- Wash shoes by hand over the sink. Whether it is a bathroom, your kitchen sink, or your slop sink. It can be a messy job and you will need some water so the sink is really the best option. Also, a counter for supplies nearby will be most helpful.
- Now for the toothpicks/tweezers. Flip the shoes over and look at the bottom of the shoes. Do they have stuck pieces of tiny rocks, sticks, or dirt stuck in the grooves? Grab that toothpick and pick them out! It only takes a minute and it will make your shoes look so much better. Depending on the size of the dirt, you may need multiple toothpicks, sometimes a pair of tweezers works well too.
- Then use a magic eraser on the rubber of the shoe. Just damp the sponge and scrub lightly on the shoes over the sink, and rinse.
- Finally, use a small amount of unscented dish soap and a scrub brush to scrub all around the shoe. I like to scrub as the final step because the magic eraser has a strong smell, and I want to scrub off the cleaning smell. Also, it just shines everything up before they are ready to be air-dried.
- Air dry your shoes on a countertop, or outside if it is a nice day. Air drying them outside will let them dry faster, however, it can be easy to forget that they are outside. You may want to set a timer for a few hours or a reminder on your phone to bring them back in before any unexpected storms.
How to Take Pictures of Shoes to Sell on Poshmark
1. Find a clean, clutter-free background. It is so easy to use a clean wooden floor. You can also use a clean tabletop.
2. Take every angle of the shoes. Snap a picture of the front of the shoes, move the shoes to a 45 degree angle, take another picture of the shoes. Complete this until you have taken a picture of each angle with rotating the shoes a complete 360 degrees. I also make sure to get a photo of any or all tags. Here is an example of all the different angles:

3. Make sure to take photos of anything included of the shoe such as the original box. Buyers love to see everything they are getting and the condition of it all in the photos of the listing. If it comes in the original box, make sure to include that in the description of the listing.
4. Put the shoes in different positions as if they are standing or just sitting on the ground in a neat way. For example, one shoe is upright, and the other lay on its side to see the design on each shoe.
5. Always include imperfections in pictures and descriptions.
Check out some of my other blog posts to help you clean, declutter, save money with budget-friendly recipes and make online sales:
How to Clean Fabric Baby Toys in the Easiest Way Possible
How to Prepare for a Consignment Event in 7 Super Easy Ways
Removing Set-In Stains From Clothes Quickly!
How to Take Photos for Poshmark
How to Prepare Clothes to Sell