Cheap Food To Buy When Broke: The Ultimate Guide


This is a blog post about cheap food to buy when broke. You can purchase many ingredients at the grocery store to make healthy meals for your family without spending hundreds of dollars. Brand-name and grocery store-named products usually have the same ingredients and taste so similar, there is no reason to spend more money on brand-name items. Here are smart tips on where to find cheap foods to buy at the grocery store when you have a limited amount of money to spend.

1. Cheap Food to Buy When Broke: Start at the Produce Section

Yellow and green bananas are arranged in a pile in a grocery store

Most grocery stores have you enter right into the produce section which does not help when you buy cheap food when broke. Not only is the produce section filled with shiny and colorful healthy fruits and vegetables, but the produce section also encourages you to buy more than you really need. You do not have to buy the chopped fruit that sells by the pound or the berries that will get moldy within a couple of days if left in your refrigerator. Buy the fruits and vegetables that could last you up to a week without overpaying.

A large selection of fresh vegetables are displayed at a grocery store.

Cheapest Food that Will Last the Longest:

  • Bananas – look for green stems
  • Potatoes – 5 lb bag
  • Head of Iceberg Lettuce
  • Carrots
  • Zucchini
  • Squash
  • Cucumbers
  • Celery
  • Broccoli
  • Frozen Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, kale, spinach, string beans, corn, peas, and carrots.
  • Frozen Rice

2. Cheap Foods to Buy When Broke: Seasonal Fruits and Vegetables that are on Sale

It is best to look through the grocery store circular or look for the best sale prices when shopping. Depending on the season, a bag of apples or oranges can be cheap foods to buy when broke when on sale. This goes the same for items like cantaloupe and watermelon, string beans, tomatoes, and berries.

3. Cheap Food to Buy When Broke: Compare Brand Name Items to Grocery Store-Branded Items

Cheese and dairy products on display at Fred Meyer market in Portland

When I was going to school for hospitality, one of my professors said that there is not much difference between brand names and grocery store-branded items. At first, I could not believe it. There are some brand names that I absolutely love and would pay extra for because of the quality. However, if you compare the ingredient labels of each item, you will see that both products have the same ingredients listed in the same order. You are paying a couple of dollars more just for the brand name.

For instance, I recently bought store-named Italian bread crumbs rather than the 4C brand I have been buying for years. I realized that the store name was $2.00 cheaper than the 4C brand. I picked up a container of the 4C brand and another container of the store brand of the same size and both products had the same ingredients listed, in the same order.

It may take extra time to compare the brand names to store-named items, but it could save you a lot of money. When money is a precious commodity to you, the time it takes to compare items pays for itself when buying food if broke.

57 Grocery Store Branded Items You Should be Buying:

  1. Bread
  2. Eggs
  3. Cheese – shredded, whole, cheese sticks, cream cheese.
  4. Milk / Whipping Cream / Half and Half / Creamer
  5. Frozen vegetables
  6. Potatoes
  7. Onions
  8. Juice
  9. Crackers/Cookies
  10. Tomato Sauce
  11. Taco Seasoning
  12. Macaroni and Cheese
  13. Yogurt
  14. Fruit Pouches
  15. Salt
  16. Canned Corn
  17. Canned Beans
  18. Canned Peas
  19. Canned Beets
  20. Seltzer
  21. Spices
  22. Frozen Vegetables
  23. Frozen Rice
  24. Broth
  25. Candy
  26. Coffee & K-Cups
  27. Bread Crumbs
  28. Hot Sauce
  29. Popcorn
  30. Relish
  31. Cocktail sauce
  32. Crotons
  33. Olives
  34. Cranberry Sauce
  35. Salad
  36. Tortillas
  37. Parmesan Cheese
  38. Apple Sauce
  39. Cereal
  40. Gravy
  41. Peanut Butter
  42. Sour Cream
  43. Canned Fruit
  44. Chips
  45. Sprinkles
  46. Rice
  47. Sweetened Condensed Milk
  48. Ice Cream Cones
  49. Coffee Filters
  50. Ice Cream Sandwiches
  51. Ice Cream Bars
  52. Chocolate Chips
  53. Cleaning products such as dust clothes (think Swiffer but store brand)
  54. Sponges
  55. Mops
  56. Toilet Paper
  57. Paper Towels
Frozen Vegetables

Take Advantage of Grocery Store Points Cards

If you have a grocery store points card, use it every time you shop to buy cheap food when broke! Not only can you load digital coupons on the card from the grocery store’s website or app, but you can build points. The points or dollar value of what you have spent can reward you with extra coupons, or even a free Turkey or Ham during certain holidays. Check out Shoprite’s Price Plus Club here.

“Only Buy What is On Sale”

A great motto to go by when headed to the grocery store is, “only buy what is on sale.” Often, the products that are on sale are popular for the season and taste the best and can help you save money when you need to buy cheap food when broke.


“Just Because It is On Sale, Does Not Mean You Have. to Buy It.”

Even if it is on sale, if it is something you know you do not need or cannot even really afford, leave it on the shelf when buying cheap food when you are broke. Sometimes I will be at the store and pick up many things, most of which I just really want like the branded Oreos or some of my favorite small containers of ice cream that are on sale. However, I do not need those items even if they are on sale. By avoiding these kinds of temptations, I can save $5.00-$10.00.

Cleaning Products You Really Need to Buy When Broke

Young woman choosing household chemicals in supermarket. Beautiful girl selects fabric softener or washing powder at the store and put it a shopping cart. Department of cleaning product and home care.

Another product that goes on sale that I am tempted to buy even though I do not need it is cleaning products. In reality, I only really need some cleaning products such as dishwashing soap, dishwasher detergent, toilet cleaner, and white distilled vinegar. To clean floors I use a vacuum cleaner and a steam mop. However, I have realized that there is so much that can be cleaned with just soap, water, and vinegar, there is no reason for me to spend money on items like The Pink Stuff, Mr. Clean, Scrubbing Bubbles, furniture polish or magic erasers. I could be using the money to buy more cheap food!

Need some cheap recipes? Click here for my blog post on cheap weeknight meals.

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