Plastic Food Storage Containers vs. Glass Food Storage Containers

glass food storage containers with locking lids

Plastic food storage containers and lids have taken a good amount of time in my life, I am sorry to say. I feel ashamed. I know I am not the only one! If you have unused plastic containers sitting on your cabinet shelves for years and just taking up space, they do not serve a purpose.

Plastic Food Storage Containers

how to organize plastic containers and lids

1. Plastic storage containers are light that will be knocked over easily in your cabinets. If you are looking for a container that is at the bottom of all the other containers in one of your cabinets, you might have a problem where the plastic food storage containers just seem to fall right out of the cabinet.

2. Plastic food storage containers take up a lot of space. With many different shapes of containers, it is a challenge to what container fits into another container.

3. You cannot reheat food in plastic containers in the oven. Plastic containers put in the oven will melt completely.

4. Plastic containers can be scratched, cracked, and broken easily. When plastic food storage containers crack, air can get into the container which makes the food go bad faster. Plus, there is a higher chance of bugs or bacteria entering the container.

5. Plastic food storage containers do not retain heat or cold well.

6. When plastic gets heated in the microwave or with hot food, even in the dishwasher, the plastic can start to deform and melt causing the release of harmful chemicals such as Bisphenol A or “BPA.”

BPA can cause reproductive, immunity, and even mental health problems. There is also an increased likelihood of Alzheimer’s, childhood asthma, metabolic disease, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.

7. Plastic food storage containers are cheap and sometimes free! Remember though that cheap is not always a good thing, especially when it is harmful to you. (psst…you do not need those black Chinese food containers with the clear lids!).

8. Food smells and colors tend to live inside plastic containers. An excellent example of this is tomato sauce. Unless you scrub the plastic food container by hand, sometimes the stain does not come out.

Glass Food Storage Containers

plastic food storage container organizer
  1. Glass storage containers are easy to store. I highly recommend these Pyrex Food Storage Containers with Locking Lids. I have bought 2 sets of these storage containers and I will never need to buy or use plastic food storage containers ever again. The containers stack easily inside one another and the lids snap together. It is life-changing.
  2. Glass food storage containers can be put in the oven. For instance, if you are making something for dinner like baked carrots, you can cook them in the oven, take them out of the range and use them as a serving dish. Then when everyone is finished eating dinner and the carrots have cooled down, you can put on the snap lid and put it in the refrigerator. When you want to eat the carrots for leftovers the next day, you can reheat the carrots in the same container in the oven or the microwave. There is no need to change it to another serving dish, put the food in a plastic container, take it out the next day, and put it on another plate, etc. You save yourself so much time! No extra dishes to wash!
  3. They are heavier than plastic and not flimsy. The dishes will not fall out of the cabinet if you try to get a dish from the bottom.
  4. They do not contain BPA and will not release toxic chemicals when reheated. The plastic lids also do NOT contain BPA so it is healthier for you and your family.
  5. Glass food storage containers are easy to transport and can be reheated in someone else’s oven if need be! If you go to someone’s house for a get-together and ask you to bring some carrots, the carrots may still be warm when you get there. However, if the carrots still need to be reheated, you can take off the lid and place them in the oven without asking for another dish to reheat.
  6. Glass food storage containers do not crack easily and last years. I still have glass and Pyrex dishes from when my Grandmother used them almost daily!
  7. A better investment than plastic. Using plastic containers can be free, but if you get sick from BPA that is released from plastic containers, you will pay for it through your doctor and hospital bills, which is not a good investment.

Where Should Glass Food Storage Be Stored?

This is the best, most effective way to store food storage containers in your kitchen.

  1. First, empty that cabinet and get rid of ALL of the plastic containers. Donate them to your favorite mouse thrift shop, recycle them, get rid of them. They are no longer helpful or useful.
  2. Buy Pyrex food storage containers with locking lids. I cannot tell you how life-changing investing in these Pyrex food storage containers was. They are durable, but you can serve food in them, then put the lid on and put them in the refrigerator. You no longer need to put them in a cold serving tray.
  3. In your kitchen, choose 1 cabinet and 1 draw (hopefully the draw is close to the cabinet you picked).
  4. Make sure the cabinet and draw are completely clean – nothing left in them, wipe the surfaces down.
  5. Stack the containers by shape in the cabinet. It is better to give them some space a few inches apart, so the containers are not touching and you have some room to get them out of the cabinet.
  6. Press the lids together for each shape, then lay them flat in the drawer underneath or close to the cabinet.
  7. You will notice if you keep this cabinet just for pyrex dishes and the drawer – only for the pyrex lids that match – that you will feel so, so much better.

The number one reason why I do not attach the lid to the container when I store them is that it is so much faster to put the lid in the drawer. Also, it is easier to see how many you have.

For example:

You host Thanksgiving. One of your family members is drying dishes and is asking where the lids go. It is easy to tell them to open the drawer to see all the plastic lids laid out nicely by size so it is quick to put away.

However, if all of your lids and containers are stuffed in one cabinet, do you really want them to put the lid away? What if all the lids fall on top of them? Are you going to be ok if you tell your guest to find and attach it to the corresponding container?

The best way to not have to deal with plastic food containers as clutter is to get rid of them and invest in something durable, but has some weight.

History of the Plastic Food Container

Formally known as “Tupperware,” plastic food containers were developed in the late 1940s and have been helping families store leftovers, snacks, and desserts for years. Its name was developed because of its tub-like shape, sealed with a snap lid.

Several other versions of Tupperware or plastic storage containers have been developed since the 1940s such as collapsible, stretchable lids and disposable containers.

Why I Do Not Like Plastic Storage Containers

how to organize glass food storage containers

Organizing and storing plastic food containers and lids has been a challenge for many, whether or not they like to admit it.

  1. They are not durable.

Plastic food containers are flimsy, and lightweight and they break easily. And this is your sign to throw out those Chinese food containers that have black plastic dishes and clear lids. You do not need those, no matter how much of a “good container” it is.

When I put plastic storage containers in the dishwasher, it cracks with wear and even turn cloudy. Otherwise, I need to hand wash, scrub, and even soak them to prevent smell and discoloration.

2. They smell. The plastic will absorb the smell if left in plastic containers for a long time.

However, the thing that gets me about plastic storage containers….like the thing about it that pushes my buttons is…

3. Plastic containers are hard to organize and store.

I got rid of most of my plastic storage containers because they did not stack well, took up a lot of room in my cabinets, and were ugly.

My Sister’s Great Advice

So at my sister’s house, she has pyrex containers all about the same size, with red plastic covers.

They do well in the dishwasher, stack neatly in the refrigerator and the cabinets, and do not look ugly. It makes serving dinner easy because you can immediately put the hot or cold food into the pyrex dish, bring it to the dinner table, then once dinner is over, slap the lid on it and put it in the refrigerator. I do own pyrex containers but never thought to use them this way. Genius. Order these from Amazon.

They also keep the food fresh and do not have a weird smell. So thank you pyrex, and my sister, for making life easier.

If you are keen on those plastic food storage containers, here are some tips to help organize them:

How to Store Empty Plastic Containers

If you have trouble organizing and storing plastic food storage containers, try the suggestions below:

  1. Consider buying larger plastic containers and storing lids in one and the plastic containers in another.
  2. Stack, if you have the room. Put the lids on top of the matching bottom and make sure they are together before putting them away.
  3. Get a file holder – stack lids by standing them up and stack containers on top of each other.
  4. Declutter – get rid of the plastic containers you do not use in a regular week. Either give them away, recycle them, or use them as storage for arts & crafts, games, puzzle pieces, tools, tape, etc. I was hoping you could read my other blog post about decluttering.
Motivational Organizing Tip:

Opening the cabinets and having all of the plastic food containers falling on top of your head or falling on the floor is not fun. Do not keep these things in your cabinets if you do not use them. The only reason they are there is to keep you frustrated with how you need to organize them. Keep five. Recycle the rest. It will make you feel better.

Do not keep any more containers from the Chinese food takeout. I know they are suitable containers but still, you do not need them!!!

I hope you have found this blog post helpful! Check out some of my other blog posts to help you declutter, organize, and make money!

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