How do I prepare for a consignment event? Start as soon as possible. Using a planner or a notebook, even under the Notes app in your phone. Write things down that will help you prepare, not procrastinate.
To find a consignment event near you, click here.
1. Register As Soon As Consignment Event Registration Opens
Register right away, as soon as registration opens so you will be guaranteed to get a consigner spot. Remember to prepare for consignment events, do not procrastinate! In fact since I always have a ton of clothes to sell, I register for two consigner slots. If I wait until a month before the event to register, there could only be restocking options left, if your consignment event offers restocking.
Restocking is a section of the consignment event where items get held. The items are moved to the sales when there is enough room. Depending on how busy the event is, the items may be put out next day of the event. A restocking spot is usually less expensive than a consigner spot.

2. Start Months Before the Consignment Event
Get out those bins full of clothes, shoes, toys, nursing accessories, maternity clothes, hats, gloves, etc. Organize to prepare for a consignment event!

3. Clean Accessories and Toys First!
Preparing accessories and toys for consignment events first is so easy! Prepare, prepare, prepare! Most of the time you just need to make sure they are free from any gunk. You can print out a tag and put them in a bin that is ready for the consignment event. Also, toys take up so much room! It will make you feel better to know they are ready for the consignment event.
4. Clean and Prepare Shoes
Shoes can be easy to prepare for a consignment event but sometimes time consuming to prepare. I always run mine through cold cycle in the washing machine. Then scrub with a magic eraser or soap and water to make them sparkle like a diamond. They usually take a day or two to dry. You do not want to procrastinate shoes for last!

5. Prepare Clothes for the Consignment Event
If you are like me and have a good amount of the cutest kid’s clothes you have ever seen, then you may have hundreds of outfits to consign. It can take a lot of time to prepare for a consignment event.
I usually take out all of my clothing bins, put them in front of the washer and dryer, and clean everything. When they come out of the dryer, I lay them on a flat surface in front of a window on a very sunny day and look hard for stains, rips, tears.
My First Experience as a Consigner Blog Post
Put the clothes that have stains, rips, or tears in a bag for donation. Clothes that look clean and gently used go on a clothing rack. Then there’s the super cute brand-name clothes that may have a very light stain that I will try to deep clean which go in a separate pile.
I always work with the items that are ready to go to the consignment event first, rather then putting everything on hold to get a stain out. By doing this, I am saving my future self from trying to get everything done at the last minute. Also, if I prepare all of the items for a consignment event from storage, I will be able to add more to the pile by cleaning out closets or even picking up from garage sales.
6. Pack Your Clothes At the Last Week Before the Event
Whatever you do, do not put the clothes in a large plastic bin after you have cleaned them if you have prepared months in advance for a consignment event. They need air. Hang them in a plastic bag in the closet, hang them in a spare room. Hang them at a trusted friend or family members house, wherever they will not be touched. Sometimes mystery stains appear after you clean them and leave them in a bin for a period of time before the event. The last thing you want to see when putting your clothes out on the sales floor is stains!

7. Donate Things That Cannot Be Sold
Before the consignment event, I always have a couple of garage bags full of clothes and toys I cannot sell. I bring them to a donation bin closest to my house, or give them to a friend or family member. It makes me feel better that I have more space and organization in my household, and it is less cluttered, which equals less stress for me.
Do Not Rush!
I always try to remember that doing one thing at a time is the best way when preparing for a consignment event. Even if I have to start months in advance, it is better for mental health for everyone in your family not to have all of the consignment items in your living space all of the time. Each week can be a different category. The first week one could toys, then accessories, shoes, and by the end of the month you will have to do clothes.
If you have a large amount of shoes to donate, bring it to the bin right away. If you need to get rid of toys you cannot sell, ask a preschool if they accept donations. Get the stuff out of your house right away that you do not need in your house. Not only will your stress levels go down, but you will have less to clean! Good luck! Preparing for consignment events made be tough work but the payoff is worth it!
Need to buy supplies? Click here to see what you will need.
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