declutter before moving

Declutter before moving can be one of the best things you can do when you are about to move. My family and I just completed our third move. did we declutter before moving? Nope. Our second time moving homes within the last three years. Exhausted from moving the clutter, I cannot think of anything better to help inspire a purge.

1. Get Those Boxes Out and Start Packing

If you need motivation to clean out, the best inspiration to declutter is to start packing. I never felt more inspired to declutter. There was still so much more after getting rid of many things by selling or donating. We were still bringing in food, new clothes, and toys. Nonetheless, it is an exhausting process! It is like packing never ends!

declutter before moving in together
She is so glad she decluttered before she moved in.

2. Decluttering Before Moving Will Save You Money

The less stuff you have, the less boxes you will need. Also, moving all of your stuff to the new place will take less time. You will save money by not having to purchase more moving supplies or by renting a moving vehicle or moving service.

We made the mistake of renting a U-Haul and moving our heavy furniture without the help of a moving company. Every weekend before the last day of the move, we rented a 10 ft truck and loaded it ourselves. We had family help load the heavy furniture and put everything in a storage area. We did not do a great job of decluttering before moving, and it really cost us.

3. Decluttering Before Moving Will Save You Time

The less you have to unpack, the better. The less packing, the more time you have to settle in and enjoy your new home. Think more closets, basements, and attic space. Once I was finished, we had many cardboard boxes, packing paper, and bubble wrap left over. The best way to eliminate those is to list them on the Facebook marketplace for free pickup. There is always another person moving who can use them.

4. What Not to Pack When Moving and Earn Some Money

Another great reason to declutter before moving is because you have the opportunity to sell items and earn some money back. Many great selling platforms like Poshmark, eBay, Mercari, and Facebook marketplace exist to resell second-hand items.

Here is a list of items I have sold online, brought to consignment stores or events, or donated. If you need inspiration to list online, check out my Poshmark closet here. Declutter before moving:

  • Frames
  • Lamps
  • Bedding
  • Hangers
  • Baskets
  • Bins
  • Artwork
  • Rugs
  • Curtains
  • Curtain Rods
  • Plants
  • Extra Flower Pots
  • Cds
  • DVDs
  • Cleaning Supplies
  • Furniture
  • Baking Dishes
  • Kitchen Accessories

5. You Will Leave a Positive Impact on the Community

When you declutter before moving, you donate many items that other people from the community will thrive on. Extra food in your pantry, old clothes you have not worn in a long time or even some gardening tools. They can all be donated and given to other people in your community. Not only will you spread some happiness, but you will encourage others in the community to do the same. One of the greatest gifts you can give is to spread kindness to others.

Another great tip is to use what you have on hand and not buy anything new before you move. Other than eating with plastic utensils, paper plates, cups, and some food, we tried not to buy anything we did not need. If we did need anything, we borrowed it from friends and family or searched the Facebook marketplace. Follow me on Facebook!

6. Decluttering Before Moving Makes Moving Quicker and Easier

The less you have, the less time it will take to put it in a box, move it, find a spot for it, and put it away again. I would rather do so many other things than do the same task repeatedly, especially when I hardly use the item!

Who wants to lift heavy boxes, unpack, and clean all day? It also does things like placing shelf liners, cleaning the bathrooms, putting the beds back together, and ensuring there are clean sheets, blankets, and pillows on all the beds. What about the pets? Groceries? Does everything in the house work that is supposed to work? Getting a locksmith? There are so many little things we may not remember or think of that has to be done on a moving day. Why take the time to move several boxes that can be donated or that huge toy kitchen that can be sold on Facebook? You will be surprised how much room is taken up by things that have not been decluttered before moving.

7. It Makes You Feel Better

Life is filled with so many obstacles; having clutter around gives off a lot of anxiety. My sister describes it so well:

“it is as if an electric shock is running through my body. The stress over powers me and my body tries to regulate itself.”

Of course, there are times when I am just having a bad day, and then I see paperwork scattered on almost every flat surface. Toys on every inch of the floor. And a never-ending laundry pile. When you are moving, everything is doubled, and it creates a very stressful space.

how to purge before a move
how to purge before a move

Then I think about all of the things in the cabinets, why do I need all of these dishes, plates, kitchen accessories I have not used more than once?

Why on earth do I need all of these ingredients? When is the next time I will use something like cornstarch before it expires again?

And then, I think about moving and how I can only fit 3 or 4 glass dishes in one box, but I have 10 glass dishes. I need at least three boxes of glass baking dishes wrapped in bubble wrap and tissue paper.

So my theory is:

“if it takes 5 minutes to clean a room, declutter again.”

And I have to keep telling myself I must take my advice. It will not take me as long, and I will have more time to spend with my family than ensuring the utensil drawer is properly organized.

Remember, “if it takes 5 minutes to clean a room, declutter again.”

I will get there, one mantra at a time, and you will, too.

For some declutter inspiration, check out my declutter post:

5 Easy Peezy Ways to Show You How to Organize Drawers

13 Ways to Get Rid of Books When Moving

4 Easy Steps to Declutter with Kids

What are Consignment Sales?

Why Consignment Events are a Fast and Easy Way to Make Money

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