8 Things to Look Out for When Getting Clothes Ready for the Consignment Store

getting clothes ready for the consignment store

Getting clothes ready for the consignment store can be quick and easy. However, it is best to inspect them to make sure they are ready to be sold. Whether you will be bringing clothes to a consignment store or selling clothes at a consignment event, your clothes will not be accepted if there are imperfections. Here are 5 things to review when getting clothes ready for consignment. If you are preparing for a consignment event, here are some supplies you may need.

1. Before Inspecting Items, Make Sure You Know the Items the Consignment Store Will Accept

fall and winter clothes for consignment

First, check the consignment store’s website or Facebook group. If the consignment store does not have a website, or a Facebook group, give them a call and ask them what they are accepting right now. If they are only accepting fall/winter items, there is no need to prepare anything that is spring or summer-related such as short sleeves, shorts, or bathing suits.

Check for Holes, Rips & Tears Before Getting Clothes Ready for the Consignment Store

This is the #1 imperfection to look out for when you are ready to have your clothes consigned. If there are any holes, rips or tears, the consignment store or event will automatically not accept that item. It does not matter if someone can buy it and sew it up themselves. The consignment store does not want to have a reputation known for selling clothes with holes.

2. Stains Will Not Be Accepted at the Consignment Store

removing set-in stains on clothes before consigning

If you have an item such as a North Face jacket that has an obvious stain, do not bring it to the consignment store because the stain needs to be cleaned first. If you need help removing set-in stains, check out some of my tips here.

3. Are the Clothes Smelly?

When I am at the consignment store, I usually stay away from the clothes that smell like laundry detergent overkill. It can be noticeable when you come across an item that has been cleaned with too much laundry detergent. Use unscented laundry detergent! My favorite is Tide Free & Gentle. When your clothes do not smell like perfume, it does not seem like you are trying to mask a smell.

4. Removing Wrinkles Before Bringing them to be Consigned

Ironing is not necessary when getting clothes ready for the consignment store. To me, it is unnecessary and seems like it takes forever. In fact, I use my ironing board and iron maybe once a year. I do have this handheld steamer, which is very affordable, like this one and it works very quickly!

prepping clothes to consign

Plus, I do not have to set up an ironing board! This handheld steamer is great for clothing such as dresses or tutus, even jackets. Clothes that cannot be put in the dryer should be steamed to remove wrinkles.

How to Remove Wrinkles with a Dryer is An Important Step in Getting Clothes Ready for the Consignment Store

If your dryer has a steam setting, this is the perfect setting for removing wrinkles! It only takes about 10 minutes and it saves you so much time!

If there is not a steam setting, you can put the clothes that are ready to be consigned in the dryer with a damp hand towel. Then put the dryer on a low/medium heat setting. Check after 10 minutes to see if the wrinkles have been removed.

Once the dryer is finished, I like to take each piece of clothing out one at a time and inspect it one last time for any imperfections. Then, I lay them flat on top of the dryer and smooth out the wrinkles on each piece of clothing. After I lay out all of the pieces of clothing, I gently put the pile in a clear plastic bin and head to the consignment store.

5. Should You Bring Clothes that Have Been Shrunk to the Consignment Store?

getting clothes ready for the consignment store

Another thing to look out for when getting clothes ready for consignment is shrinkage. Have your clothes shrunk by accident? It is not a good idea to bring it to the consignment store in hopes they will accept it, even if it is still in good condition. The consignment store may not understand the size difference and someone may end up purchasing it and then returning it. This will cause a lot of frustration for the consignment store and the customer, and the consignment store will take note that you brought in an item that has been shrunk. There are other ways to sell the item if it is still in good condition.

Selling Items that Have Been Shrunk

If you still feel you could sell this item, post it on Poshmark along with measurements of the garment and the fact that it has been shrunk. Also, post it in the most realistic size that it is now. If it was originally a size 16, and is now more like a size 12, post it in the size 12 category but make it obvious in the title and description that it has been shrunk even though the label says size 16.

6. Will the Consignment Store Only Accept Designer Brands?

Depending on the consignment store, some may only take certain brands. I once had the owner of a small consignment shop in my town tell me not to, “shop at Kohl’s.” Most of the items I have are second-hand so this was her way of telling me she only wants brands that are more expensive like Gap, Janie and Jack, The North Face, etc.

I love all brands, and I also love Kohl’s so I was pretty surprised when she said that, but she does price her inventory on the high side for a consignment shop. Some consignment stores are picky about what they accept and that is OK, but save yourself some time by not bringing the clothing brands they will not accept.

Is it Better to Sell Yourself or Get Clothes Ready for the Consignment Store?

Depending on the situation, it may be better to sell or consign. Here are some pro’s and con’s of each.

When It Is Better to Consign

  1. You are overwhelmed with clutter.
  2. You have items that have been gently used.
  3. You need to get rid of things quickly.
  4. You would rather get the items out of your living space more than receiving every cent you can make.

When It Is Better to Sell

  1. You have items that are in good condition.
  2. You have items that are normally very expensive.
  3. You have storage space for the item.
  4. You have the time and supplies to package and ship.
  5. You know you will get much more money selling yourself then you would splitting the profit with a consignment store.
getting clothes ready for consignment

In fact, I have learned to only bring the items I have that are close to brand new to the consignment store otherwise she just will not accept them. Such as gifts I have received that I cannot use or something with the tag still on it that has been just sitting in your closet. If I really need to declutter, then I will bring a couple of bins to the consignment store in town to get rid of it all right away. However, if I have the will and the space to hold on to it for a little while, I will sell it on Poshmark.

7. Is Your Item Something You Know Is In High Demand in Your Area?

The more expensive, well-known brands like The North Face, Patagonia and Janie and Jack as well as items like jeans, pajamas and sneakers sell best at a consignment shop. The better the condition of the item, the more likely it is to sell quickly.

8. Would You Be OK if this Item was Donated if it Did Not Sell at the Consignment Store?

This is one of the questions that I always ask myself when getting clothes ready to bring to the consignment store. If something is sentimental to you, it may be hard to bring it to the consignment store. You never know if there will be any damage to it such as stains or tears just by accident. Also, if it does not sell and you forget to pick it up from the consignment store, are you going to be upset if the consignment store donates it?

These 8 questions and tips will help you decide what are the best items to bring when going to the consignment store. You know you are making the right decision when the consignment store takes all of the things you bring. Happy consigning!

Read about my first kids’ consignment store sale here.

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