Consignment events have tables with items packaged in plastic bags such as clothes, shoes, or a set of toys. There are some sellers who do not like bagging items, such as clothes. However, plastic bags are cheaper and easily accessible for the seller than using hangers. Below are five frequently asked questions about packaging clothes in plastic bags at consignment events.
1. What type of clothing should be on a hanger?
In my experience, I hang every single piece of clothing because I find that everything sells much quicker this way. However, there are other consigners that prefer to package onesies and pajamas.
At the beginning of the event, they usually end up on a table. Once the buyers go through the items, the usually end up one of top of each other. Which creates a large, unorganized pile. Not only is it hard to find items but, it can be hard to tell the condition if in a plastic bag.
Clothing has a higher chance to sell and is easier to find any flaws if neatly placed on hangers.
Also, there are a lot of people who are very picky about what they purchase at consignment events. When the item is on the hanger, the buyer can inspect it properly. The buyer can see if there are any stains, rips, tears, loose threads and even do a smell check. Feeling the fabric gives a better vision of what it might look like on your child, niece, nephew, etc. In return, it sells instantly.
2. If I want to use plastic bags for clothes, what clothes do I bag?
If you want to try to sell clothes in plastic bags, it is usually just onesies and pajamas. Some consignment events do not let clothing beyond 24 months to be bagged so just make sure to read the rules of your consignment event company.
3. Other than plastic bags for clothes, what else can I put in a plastic bag?
All shoes and accessories such as baby hats, bows, socks, gloves, hats, nursing accessories, toy accessories, cloth diapers, etc., in zip-lock bags, taped shut with packaging tape, with the tag taped on the back of the zip lock bag.
4. What is the point in packaging anything in plastic bags at a consignment event?
Some consigners say they have trouble when trying to sell things in plastic bags whatsoever, like shoes, baby hats, bows, socks, etc. If they cannot feel it, they do not buy it. However, other than clothes, I have not had a problem selling anything that has been packaged in a clear plastic bag.
It is best to use a clear plastic bag to keep the item clean and from being lost. It is a nice presentation to the buyer. I package shoes and accessories in bags always. If the item is in good condition, at the right price, selling the item will be easy.
5. Can the buyer open the bags to inspect the item?
Quality Control can open the clear plastic bag for the buyer to inspect the item. After the buyer inspects the item, quality control will then reseal the item and put it back if the buyer decides not to purchase.
Consignment events can be very busy and a little bit hectic the first couple of days of the sale. During that time, there are a lot of people at the consignment event. Soon-to-be-Mothers, Grandmothers, Aunts, Uncles, daughters, sons, cousins, etc., all come to the sale. Customers look at everything, touch everything and sometimes things get misplaced.
Even price tags become lost. They can fall on the floor after being accidentally torn off. Kids pick up toys and can break them. Kids who are eating a snack with messy hands pick up something and get it dirty. It is a loss for the consigner. Packaging consignment items in plastic bags is the safest way to guarantee your items will not be damaged.
Have any questions about bagging clothing or accessories? Drop them below.
I love writing about budget-friendly dinner recipes, saving and making money. Check out some of my other blog posts that might interest you:
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