How to start decluttering when overwhelmed can be a difficult task. You are tired and stressed, and the last thing you want to do is organize and do all the work needed to eventually make life easier. Especially when you are the only one doing the work. Here are some tips to motivate you to take the first step.
1. First, Visualize: Checkout Before and After Photos on Pinterest of Decluttering
Images really help me visualize what my space could look like. Also, seeing other people have a cluttered space and then seeing there space improved really inspires me. It makes me feel less alone, and happier that I am not the only one. I love looking through Pinterest and finding all the beautiful before and after pictures of decluttering. It really helps motivate me to complete projects, big or small. Check out my Pinterest board on Before and After Declutter.
2. How to Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed: Start with Small Drawers First
If you are new to decluttering, a great way to declutter when overwhelmed is to start with a small drawer. Small drawers are great to organize and declutter first because it does not take a long time and you see results immediately.
A good example of small drawers would be your nightstand drawer – you do not even have to get up! You can still lie down and take the things out of your nightstand and organize them on your bed! So easy!
Another good example of a small drawer to declutter is a bathroom drawer. How many brushes, combs, hair gels, hair sprays, etc do you actually use or need? There are bound to be some things that you do can get rid of right away and create more organization.

Clean and Organize Your Space
Whether you are decluttering a closet, a cabinet, a bathroom, a garage, an attic, or a basement, cleaning and organizing the space before decluttering can help. It can give you the motivation to realize there are some things you do not need that can be donated or sold.
3. Throw Away Garbage

The first thing you should do to start decluttering when you are overwhelmed is to throw away the obvious garbage. The wrappers, empty bottles, little pieces of paper, or small non-usable items like broken things can be thrown out immediately to help you concentrate on what you really need to keep and what to throw out. Not only will you create more space, but by removing the garbage you will also be getting rid of any lingering smells.
4. How to Start Decluttering when Overwhelmed: Put the Large Items in Place

Find the large items such as books, large toys like baby dolls, blankets that need to be folded, etc, and put those items in their place first. The goal of how to start decluttering when overwhelmed is to create as much open space as possible in the fastest amount of time. When you create more open space, you will tell yourself, “Wow, that was not so hard and that did not take so long, and I have created so much more space!”
5. Pick up the Smaller Items and Put them on a Flat Surface like a Bed or the Couch
When the floor is completely clear of anything preventing me to walk throughout the room, it is easier to organize. You can put everything in a laundry basket or bag and then pour it out on a flat surface.
6. How to Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed: Put on Your Favorite TV Show or Listen to Music while Organizing
Sometimes when you are distracted by a funny tv show or your favorite song, decluttering can become less overwhelming and make the process go faster. Also organizing things on a comfy spot like a couch or a bed, will make you feel less overwhelmed and more motivated to get it done.

Keep in Mind:
Decluttering is a Marathon, Not a Race
Do a Little Bit on a Regular Basis
Decluttering does not have to be done in one hour, one weekend, one month, etc. In fact, decluttering is like a marathon, it is something that you keep doing all throughout your life. Decluttering on a regular basis, like a drawer or cabinet once a month is good for practice. Once you get on a regular schedule of decluttering, it will become easier and faster to toss or donate items, making decluttering when overwhelmed not so overwhelming anymore.
7. Make Two Piles – Keep and Toss
The toss pile is really the donate/sell pile. The things I put in my sell pile go to the consignment store first. If the consignment store does not accept them, I will sell them on Poshmark. I keep this pile in clear plastic bins in my garage until I have a chance to go to the consignment store.
8. How to Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed: Organize the “Keep” Pile
Make several little piles on your flat surface to organize. One for pens/pencils/markers/scissors/erasers, one for hair ties, one for legos, one for art supplies, etc. By making small piles, it will be easier to put small items away.
9. Invest in Small, Clear, Drawer Organizers and Label
Small, clear drawer organizers like the ones in the below photo are great to label and use for small drawers! They show everyone in the household as well as guests where certain things go and will help you to put back the items in their “place,” without being asked. I love these drawer organizers from Amazon (not sponsored).

Take it Slow
As long as you take one step at a time, and do not rush the process, you can declutter without getting even more overwhelmed. Practicing on decluttering small drawers first will help you see the improvement quickly, rather than decluttering a large space like a garage first which could send you into panic mode. Small drawers are great to declutter and drawer organizers and labels will help you in the long run! You can do this!
Check Out Some of my Other Blog Posts:
5 Easy Peezy Ways to Show You How to Organize Drawers
How to Remove Stickers Naturally and Easily with Items Already On-Hand
Playroom Organization Ideas for a Happy Fun Space
4 Easy Steps to Declutter with Kids
13 Ways to Get Rid of Books When Moving
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