Organizing Drawers in 5 Easy Ways!

declutter drawers

Organizing drawers is not as hard as you think! There are several ways to declutter, such as declutter your life, declutter your home, and, equally important, declutter your car.  Furthermore, we are not even talking about decluttering your life or even your car, we are talking about compartments in your house. This blog post is all about organizing drawers. Check out my Pinterest boards for some more inspiration! You have to start somewhere! So, let’s get to it!

Find the closest junk drawer, bin, or cabinet and follow the directions below for declutter tips!

A drawer filled with unorganized items that needs some declutter tips.

1. Organizing drawers: Start small by decluttering slowly.  

Take one bin or drawer and dump it out on a table or the floor. The goal is to not overwhelm yourself with decluttering. Starting small by decluttering drawers, bins, or cabinets will give you satisfaction knowing you can do it and will give you practice before decluttering larger spaces.

Declutter tips: a very organized underwear drawer with the bras stacked flat and the panties nicely folded.

Declutter Tips: Think of your stuff as money. How much money did it cost for that nail polish? That notebook? That piece of jewelry you never wear. How much money are you wasting?

2. Throw away the obvious trash.

Some things are ok to throw away, like candy wrappers, random broken items, and scraps of paper can all be tossed.

Declutter Tips: The more stuff you have, the more you have to clean while organizing drawers.

organizing drawers

One of the reasons we declutter is that we do not have to clean as much, right? The more stuff we have around, the more that has the potential to get dirty, dusty, and even moldy. Why do I want to waste my time cleaning a dirty drawer? Declutter, get rid of the stuff you do not use, and live a happier life with more play and less cleaning.

3. Organizing Drawers: Sort the clutter into groups on the table.

For example, hair accessories should be in one pile, pennies in another, and pens in another. Separate items until everything is placed into a group. Some things can get tricky to place, such as headphones. If you do not have multiple pairs of headphones and do not want to throw them out, put them in their pile. Now, it is time to put them away.

organizing drawers

Declutter Tips: The fewer piles to put away, the better. Remember, you can always ask to borrow.

Have we forgotten that we can ask to borrow things from someone else? Why do we have to order something when we need it? It may even be faster to borrow. Think about the library, for example. When I was younger, the library was the first place we would go to get an assigned reading book. We never bought books for school until I was in college.

4. Once you have all of your piles, put away the groups one at a time in their designated spot.  

If you do not have a spot for the item, ask yourself if you need these items.  Sometimes, we hold on to items, hoping they will serve a purpose, but end up lying in the drawer. If your response is “no, I can live without them,” throw away or donate.  However, if you say yes, find a clear plastic bin like this or a container, label and find a spot to store it.

Declutter Tips: Remove it as fast as possible if it has been lying in the drawer for months.

If you can throw it out, throw it out, but one of my favorite things is donating. I love knowing that someone else can use things I have no use for. You do not even have to throw it in a donation bin; ask your family and friends. Put an ad on the marketplace for free items with easy porch pickup. It will get used and recycled in your community, giving you good vibes and karma!

5. MOST IMPORTANT TIP: Keep a Box to Donate in 6 Months after Organizing Drawers.

If you have trouble making decisions, this will help you greatly.

Declutter Tips: If you are unsure of the item or have any doubts about whether or not you should keep it, get a bin or a cardboard box and label it,

“To Donate on (date).”

The date should be 6 months from the day you start decluttering.

organizing drawers

Make yourself a reminder on your phone to donate this box in 6 months.

This box will be used for things you do not like or have not used. Throw the unsure items in this box while decluttering drawers, bins, and closets. Keep it in an area where it can be stored out of the way. Such as the garage or basement, even in the bottom of a closet once you have room from decluttering!

Try not to look in the box unless you do not want to throw it away. But give it at least a month before retrieving it from the box. Caution – if you look in the box, you may have a harder time getting rid of those items even though you do not need them in the future.

6. Drawer Organization Tray

Organizing drawers need to have drawer organization trays! Buy from the dollar store, Ikea, or use a cardboard box. Little compartments help you find things quickly and everything will have its place.

7. How Do You Organize Clothes in Drawers?

Do these steps repeatedly for all drawers, bins, and cabinets. Once all cabinets and bins are decluttered in your home, move on to closets!  Are you ready to declutter? Read my blog post here for more decluttering tips!

After the small spaces are organized, move on to the large spaces, such as rooms, attics, garages, and basements.  These are the best decluttering tips for you when you need to organize your living space.

Check out my other blog posts to help you declutter, donate, and make sales!

How to Start Decluttering When Overwhelmed in 9 Steps

7 Motivational Tips to Get You To Declutter Before Moving

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