What to Do When You Receive Smelly Clothes?

poshmark return for smell

What do you do when you receive smelly clothes from an online reseller? There are so many ways to deal with this situation. Instead of getting upset and sending an angry note, just think about it for a minute. Here are some questions to ask yourself before you return it:

Smelly items?

How Did the Smelly Clothes Arrive?

Did the smelly clothes arrive within a few days or did it take a long time? One red flag is if it took longer than anticipated for it to arrive. I always double-check the tracking info to make sure the post office did not delay it. The tracking information is always helpful. It tells you about what day and time the package was first dropped off.

If the seller took a week to ship your item, they are likely not serious about online reselling. Sellers who take a long time to ship will not care if the item they sent you has a smell. They might be new to online reselling or just lazy. Whatever the case, it is disappointing to wait such a long time just to receive a smelly item.

Does the Seller Have a Bad Rating?

Another obvious red flag is if the seller does not have a good rating. (Need some Poshmark Sales? Read this) Of course, do not expect to receive a smell-free item from a seller with a bad reputation. However, if the seller has a good rating, and the clothes smell, there may be another reason for receiving the smelly clothes.

Are the Clothes Smelly from Laundry Detergent?

If the item you ordered arrived and it has a powerful laundry detergent smell, it could be from many different things.

For example, at Goodwill, there is a powerful laundry detergent smell on many items. Not every seller cleans items they thrift. Many resellers do not have the time or money to launder the clothes before reselling.

Also, some people do love the scent of laundry detergent. However, the last thing I want to receive is a smelly piece of used clothing or even have it stored in my house. The smell either gives me a headache or makes me nauseous. If you are going to buy second-hand, especially from an online reseller, you must take into consideration that the clothes will most likely have some sort of smell.

Did your item arrive with a sticker you cannot get off? Check out this blog post about removing stickers.

Could Heavy Laundry Detergent Smell Be Covering Up Another Bad Smell?

One of my relatives says second-hand clothes give her the “heebie jeebies.” I mostly just laugh at this phrase, especially when she says it and gives a little upper-body shake. However, there is some truth in it. After all, you do not know where the clothes have been or how dirty they were in the past. It is funny how people get grossed out from one thing but not others.

how do you get bad smells out of clothes?

For example, how many times has your bathroom tub been used? How many germs have existed in your tub, yet you clean it with hot water and use it repeatedly. Same thing goes for restaurant plates and silverware, and uh, the floor you walk on has a lot of germs that you track all over your house, how is that different from reusing clothes?

Usually, if the heavy laundry detergent smell is covering up another smell, there would be signs that this piece of clothing is not something you should be using. If there are very small black dots on the clothes, that indicates mold. The clothing should be thrown out immediately or returned to the online seller. If there are stains on the clothes, and it stinks of laundry detergent, the reseller could have been trying to remove the stain, but it just did not work.

So many possibilities go into receiving smelly used clothes from an online reseller. Use your best judgment before using or returning.

Do the clothes have a dirty smell?

Once, I did receive a jacket that had a very dirty smell. It was so dirty that it smelt like it was in a barn. It smelt like hay and horse poop. It was as if the person did not clean it; they just took a picture of it and put it up for sale. I loved this jacket and have been looking for it for a long time. It came in a box, folded nicely, and in good condition. However, it just smelt horrible! I was seconds away from asking to have it returned, but then I thought, what if I just cleaned it?

how to remove bad odor from clothes

And that is what I did.

I cleaned it because I wanted to wear it, got a really good deal, and knew that I could resell it if I chose to. Check out this post for more info on removing stains.

So How Do You Remove Bad Odor from Clothes?

Soaking smelly clothes is one of the best things you can do to remove smell. After soaking the smelly jacket for a day in hot water with non-scented detergent, wrap it in a towel and twist it to get out as much water as possible. Then, put it in the washing machine on a warm cycle with an extra rinse and non-scented detergent.

After the cycle, it will smell better, but rerun it with another dose of detergent just to be sure.

Amazingly, the smell came out, and the jacket was as good as it had been when it was new.

I let the smelly jacket air dry (or you can put your in the dryer on a no-heat setting). Then I steamed it to get out any wrinkles.

It might take a little bit of love, but it is worth it if you are unsure about returning it.

Always Return It If the Smell Is Overbearing

what to do when you receive smelly clothes

If you receive an incredibly smelly item that you cannot even bear to touch it, put it back in the box and return it.

You will likely have to file a case to receive a return label. One of the reasons for the return could be that the item was not as described – horrible smell. Make sure you are honest with the reason for the return.

Many online platforms do not accept returns based on size. Also, depending on the platform, like eBay, getting a refund on a smelly item may be harder because not all sellers accept returns. However, eBay does have a money-back guarantee for buyers, so even if the seller does not accept returns, you will most likely receive one.

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